Jeroen Kemperman is historian at the NIOD. His research focuses on research questions that emerge from society. He has written about Dutch student resistance during the German occupation, the Japanese camps in Indonesia, and the Srebrenica massacre. Currently, he is working on a PhD dissertation about the City of Amsterdam in the Second World War.
- Marjo Bakker, Petra Drenth, Jeroen Kemperman, Hinke Piersma (eds.), Oorlog in onderzoek; 75 jaar NIOD (Amsterdam 2020).
- Jeroen Kemperman, Oorlog in de Collegebanken; Studenten in verzet 1940-1945 (Amsterdam 2018).
- J.J.G. van der Bruggen et. al., De val van Srebrenica; Luchtsteun en voorkennis in nieuw perspectief (Amsterdam 2016).
- Hinke Piersma and Jeroen Kemperman, ‘The “Aryanization” of Jewish Property in Amsterdam and Its Consequences After World War II’, in: Andrea Löw and Frank Bajohr (eds.), The Holocaust and European societies: Social Processes and Social Dynamics (London 2016) pp. 321-336.
- Hinke Piersma en Jeroen Kemperman, Openstaande rekeningen; De gemeente Amsterdam en de gevolgen van roof en rechtsherstel 1940-1950 (Amsterdam 2015).
- Jeroen Kemperman, ‘Internment of civilians’, in: Peter Post et. al. (red.), The encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War (Leiden/Boston 2010) pp. 163-173.